CALL US: 519-787-2000 TEXT US: 226-780-0053 TOLL FREE: 1-888-838-5163 ADVICE 647-695-5411

We are proud of our facility! Designed to provide a safe, clean, warm, comforting environment for your pet.

Online to match your lifestyle and your pet's needs! With our webstore, virtualvet[telemedicine via book online], online invoicing with PayPal[and others] , credit partners, portal to your pet's online medical records, certificates and direct communications with our patient / client service software.

The "River of Life " shown above is a pictograph impression of how life in general is going to happen. Some issues can be predicted and prevented, some issues once they develop can be cured and others will be managed. However in every life some of these issues will occur. We are here to assist you and your pet to live their best life.
Why choose us?
Pets and their families expect their veterinary hospital to provide:
A Caring Team of Committed Professionals engaged in delivery of Compassionate, Gentle, and Calm Care.
Consideration for every pet and family as an individual
Online medical records and other advanced online services
Completion of Insurance forms for you
Health ASSURANCE Plans {Managed care plans for routine care and/or chronic disease management}
Payment Plans { OAC }
Convenient appointment hours, admissions and returns to home.
Continual updates and upgrades to patient care in response to changing environment, diseases and knowledge
A comfortable environment for care to reduce stress.
We have spent a lot of time and greatly invested in incredible tools that allow us to communicate with our beloved pet families. Our commitment to your pet’s health and welfare does not end with the end of your visit but extends for the life of your pet.
If you have questions, call or email us for advice or guidance.
We provide online access to your pet’s medical records and certificates for interested families via our medical records software. Imagine the benefit of having access to your pet’s ongoing medical history all the time. These situations include being out of town, at an emergency clinic – referral center, or just keeping up on the health status of your pet for your own interest.
After visit reports are emailed out to remind or clarify issues raised at the visit.
Clinic staff call or email for updates to ensure patients are responding as expected. If for any reason we cannot reach you, we appreciate updates from the family to ensure your pet is recovering or health issues are responding as desired.
Messages about general health and welfare appear on our facebook page, our twitter account and via Nigel’s twitter presence.
Our mission
Making lives better
All our actions, recommendations, services and products have to do the best possible to achieve that purpose.
Experts in animal welfare have defined the 6 freedoms every pet needs and deserves.
Freedom from hunger and thirst
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom to express normal behavior
Freedom from fear and distress
Freedom from disease, inflammation, injury, and pain
Freedom to play, enjoy life and feel well
The 6 freedoms all pets deserve!
Freedom from hunger and thirst
This means that there is a supply of quality water available to meet their needs.
It means that quality nutrition is available to keep the metabolism and the weight – body condition score of the patient at an optimal level. Please remember this freedom is not an excuse to overfeed because being overweight contradicts the next 5 freedoms.
Freedom from discomfort
This is a lot about choice. They need the choice to use a cushioned bed or not, the choice to go into the warmth or seek out a cool spot to rest, to avoid drafts, to avoid food or water at extreme temperatures, and to be vigorous and athletic if they wish or relaxed and quiet. Another perspective would be to avoid the extremes of ambient light, sound, temperature, and so on.
Freedom to express normal behavior
They need the freedom for cats to be cats and dogs to be dogs. Exercise, play, puzzle solving, licking, sniffing, sleeping arrangements, and even bathroom habits need to respect the natural behaviors of our companions.
Freedom from fear and distress
Like all emotional beings our pets are stressed when they are exposed to stimuli or situations that they cannot control or escape from. Fireworks, thunderstorms, predators (real or imagined) , isolation and loneliness are all potential triggers of distress. Pain or the fear of pain would also apply here.
Freedom from disease, inflammation, injury, and pain
Most of us are well aware of the use of vaccines to prevent diseases like Rabies, Distemper and Parvo. (among many others) These are but the tip of the preventable diseases to which our pets are exposed to from birth onwards. Knowledge and tools that were unheard of even 5 years ago can be exploited to reduce pain, cancer, tooth loss, allergies, arthritis, heart disease, premature aging and thus preserve the quality of life.
Freedom to play, enjoy a long life and feel well
If you have followed through this list of freedoms, we have tried to build the image of a companion, enthusiastic, energetic, athletic, alert, playful, curious, reassured, confident, and capable of living that life without suffering from disease. To contract a fatal preventable disease like Rabies is a horrible event. To contract a nonfatal painful preventable disease like periodontal disease (causes teeth to loosen and eventually rot out of the mouth) is equally a horrible event. That one kills and the other causes years of suffering should not make either acceptable.